Adjectives and adverbs 1

投稿者: | 2017年1月25日

Adjectives and adverbs 1



Our holiday was too short – the time very quickly.

Two people were seriously injured in the accident.


Quickly and seriously are adverbs.

Many adverbs are formed from an adjective + -ly:


adjective: quick, serious, careful, quiet, heavy

adverb: quickly, seriously, carefully, quietly, heavily


Not all words ending in –ly are adverbs.

Some adjectives end in –ly too, for example:

friendly, lively, elderly, lonely, silly, lovely



Adjectives (quick / careful etc.) tell us about a noun (somebody or something).

We use adjectives before nouns:



 Sam is a careful driver. (not a carefully driver)

 We didn’t go out because of the heavy rain.


Adverbs (quickly / carefully etc.) tell us about a verb

(how somebody does something or how something happens):




 Sam drove carefully along the narrow road. (not drove careful)

 We didn’t go out because it was raining heavily. (not raining heavy)



We also use adjectives after some verbs, especially be, and also look/feel/sound etc.


 Please be quiet.

 Please speak quickly.


 I was disappointed that my exam results were so bad.

 I was unhappy that I did so badly in the exam. (not did so bad)


 Why do you always look so serious?

 Why do you never take me seriously?


 I feel happy.

 The children were playing happily.


We also use adverbs before adjectives and other adverbs.

For example:


reasonably cheap (adverb + adjective)

terribly sorry (adverb + adjective)

incredibly quickly (adverb + adverb)


 It’s a reasonably cheap restaurant and the food is extremely good.

 I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to push you. 

 Maria learns languages incredibly quickly.

 The exam was surprisingly easy.


You can also use adverb before a past participle (injured/ organized/ written etc. )

 Two people were seriously injured in the accident. (not serious injured)

 The meeting was badly organized.





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